An internal dataset with column name and definitions. Produced from the CAX HLI Tabular Query Excel file definition tabs. It is a data frame with name and definition.
#> name
#> 1 abundance
#> 2 abundancealpha
#> 3 abundancelowerlimit
#> 4 abundanceupperlimit
#> 5 adultlocation
#> 6 age0prop
#> definition
#> 1 Natural origin presmolt abundance.
#> 2 The significance level for the Abundance confidence intervals, expressed as alpha.
#> 3 Lower limit of the confidence interval for Abundance.
#> 4 Upper limit of the confidence interval for Abundance.
#> 5 The specific named location(s) where the adult abundance numbers were determined.
#> 6 The proportion of natural origin fish that were age 0 (brood year +0).