This is an R package. Open R (e.g. in RStudio or a terminal), and issue the following commands at the command line.


To install from GitHub, you will need the {remotes} package.

install.packages("remotes") # needed for the next line

Then you can install the latest release:


Note, you only need to install packages once.

After installing, you load load the package with a library(pkgname) call.

#> Access and use of data in the CAX databases requires acceptance of the terms of use: rcax_termsofuse().

To check if you have the latest rCAX use

#> Installed: 1.0.3    Version on GitHub: 1.0.3

If your version is out of date, update with another call to install_github() (above).

API key

{rCAX} includes a “read-only” API key. Thus you do not need an API key to use {rCAX}. If you need to use your own key, see vignette on the API GET function.